Petition: Save Aura’s Library & Leisure Services in Flintshire

Throughout the summer, the leadership of Flintshire County Council has been holding an axe over Aura, the employee-owned not-for-profit organisation that runs Flintshire’s libraries and leisure centres, as well as vital play areas and important heritage services.

Flintshire County Council is threatening to force Aura out of existence by refusing to extend their contract to run essential services in Flintshire. This decision will undoubtedly lead to severe service disruption across the community and could ultimately result in the closure of many libraries and leisure centres throughout Flintshire.

Flintshire People’s Voice are firmly opposed to this action. Aura is a pioneering example of community wealth building in action, employee owned with more than 250 employees, and run for the community, not for profit.

Please sign our petition today to save Aura’s Library and Leisure Services for everyone in our community:

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