Flintshire People’s Voice

Standing up for the people of Flintshire. Fighting back against the inaction that is holding our county back.


Fixing Flintshire

We’re fed up of Flintshire’s failing political leadership. Flintshire People’s Voice are committed to doing the basics right – fixing potholes, collecting bins on time, and keeping leisure centres & libraries open.


Real Ambition

Flintshire People’s Voice wants to restore some ambition to local politics. We are campaigning for better buses, for proper community wealth building that keeps money in Flintshire, and fighting back against the overdevelopment of our communities.


Accountability and Transparency

We quit Labour because of their dishonesty and incompetence. We’ve shown through our actions that we aren’t in politics for our own gain, we’re in this to stand up for our residents, no matter the personal cost.

Flintshire People’s Voice was formed in response to the Labour administration’s complete inability to uphold standards in public life, combined with their unwillingness to take the action needed to make Flintshire better. Flintshire deserves better than managed decline.

Fundamentally, we believe in a brighter future for Flintshire, and we believe that a brighter future is achievable, and achievable without resorting to repeated Council Tax hikes. We stand for better services, and lower Council Tax.

Flintshire People’s Voice believes in high standards, accountability, and transparency in public life. That means always acting how residents would want and expect us to – even when this comes at a personal cost.

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Stand up for the people of Flintshire and make a difference in your community.

County Councillors
Homes Represented
Constituents Represented

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